Pirate101 Wiki

Dead Mike is one of the various companions recruited throughout the questline. He can be recruited in the Presidio dungeon during the quest "Quid Pro Quo," as one of the five Origin companions.

Dead Mike can only be recruited if the Mutiny origin was chosen for the Pirate.


Mike sailed with the Pirate's mother and a victim of mutiny. He was slain by a knife used by Haggard John Hackney, one of the mutineers.

Abilites and Epics[]


Epic Strike - Makes a guaranteed Epic Critical Strike


  • Blade Storm - Make another attack should they defeat or gain a critical on an enemy in a round.
  • Vengeance Strike - Make a bonus melee attack after an enemy hits a melee attack.
  • Riposte - Make a bonus melee attack if an enemy misses a melee attack.
  • Second Chance - Has a chance to make a bonus melee attack if attack misses.
  • Cheap Shot - Make a bonus attack if enemy leaves melee range.


  • Promotion 1: Undead Revenant - Level 21 (Quest - The Water of Life)
    • Changes Epic Strike to Mega Strike
      • Loses Hair, Beard, and face becomes more decayed

Dead Mike Promo1

  • Promotion 2: Undead Avenger - Level 47 (Quest - Making Preservations)
    • Changes Mega Strike to Super Strike
      • Gains a Hat, new Beard, Sword, and Coat, but loses his left arm

Dead Mike Promo2

  • Promotion 3: Undead Vindicator - Level 67 (Quest - Bob's Your Uncle)
    • No changes to ablities
      • Gains new Clothing, Eyepatch, Sword, and a peg